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Uniquely Galapagos Vlogs - Sarah Darling

Uniquely Galapagos Vlogs - Sarah Darling

Being Uniquely Galapagueña


Do you have any tips for any budding artists?
“ Just keep painting, whether you are feeling good or sad..keep looking on the positive side, find the positive in the negative."
Sarah Darling, Artist and owner of Angelique Art Gallery

As our ‘enchanted islands’ slowly and safely welcomes back tourists after a strict lockdown, we reached out to 4 Galapagos residents either during or post lockdown to understand what makes them 'Uniquely Galapagueño’. We also discuss some of the contemporary issues shaping the Galapagos Islands and tourism here and globally in ‘the new normal’. 

Over the course of 4 weeks in Blogs/Vlogs we will learn about their remarkable journeys, their connection to the island, how they have impacted life on the islands and discuss Conservation, Sustainability, Tourism, Cultural Immersion, Education, Art and Wellness. 

Week 4 Sarah Darling - Artist and Philanthropist to Animal Charities – Vlog

We visited iconic British artist and close friend @sarahdarlinggalapagos at her distinctive Angelique Art Gallery in Puerto Ayora in late December 2020 to gain an insight into what inspires her to paint and learn a little about the many animals she cares for. 

Sarah supports a few animal charities globally including the Galapagos Animal Doctors which will open its new clinic in Puerto Ayora very soon!

#galapagosislands #art #instaart#conservation #sustainability


Address: 454 Charles Darwin Avenue & Tomas de Berlanga
Puerto Ayora - Ecuador
Telephone: +593 96 894 0773
WhatsApp: ‬+44 773 984 0879
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Web: www.uniquelygalapagos.com