
E-mailinfo@uniquelygalapagos.com - Telephone: +593 096 894 0773

Meet the team

Brett Peters – Owner/General Manager

Brett Peters – Owner/General Manager

I am British and lived near Manchester most of my life working in UK and Global HR roles including being a consultant for the Charles Darwin Foundation. During the last 20 years, due to my roles and ‘wanderlust’ I have been lucky enough to have visited over 80 countries.

In 2011 my life changed, I met my now wife Maria Augusta in London and visited the Galapagos Islands for the first time, both left an indelible impression on me. Every day living on the islands is a blessing, being so close to nature, stunning landscapes and the Pacific Ocean. I love traveling, running, playing football, squash and DJing.

As the General Manager living in Santa Cruz, I will be your operational contact, please get in touch with me if you want to know more about our experiences or need help to plan a tailor-made sustainable experience.

Jessica Cornejo Ortiz - Naturalist Guide Specializing in the Galapagos Islands

Jessica Cornejo Ortiz - Naturalist Guide Specializing in the Galapagos Islands

I am a Galapaguenian living in this paradise where I grew up surrounded by sea lions, sea turtles, iguanas, amazing landscapes and friendly people.

I have been working as a Naturalist Guide in the Galapagos National Park since 2002 and I love to spend time with visitors to share time and experiences together.

Some of my favorite activities are snorkeling and scuba diving, The diverse and endemic marine life around the Galapagos Islands ensures that I enjoy every jump in this unique and magical world.


Address: 454 Charles Darwin Avenue & Tomas de Berlanga
Puerto Ayora - Ecuador
Telephone: +593 96 894 0773
WhatsApp: ‬+44 773 984 0879
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.uniquelygalapagos.com