
E-mailinfo@uniquelygalapagos.com - Telephone: +593 096 894 0773

7 day Ecuador Birdwatching - Andes West Slope

‘Immerse yourself in nature set around the stunning West slope area of the Andes and view some amazing choco endemic and native birds that live in this region.’ 

Visit the Andean cloud forest around Bellavista, Mindo and Mashpi and see colourful humming birds and quetzals, the elusive Andean Rock Cock, the shy Antpitta and the Red-breasted Antthrush and the Black-backed Quail.

Other birds we are likely to see include six types of Tanagers, the Pacific Parrotlet and the Pacific Hornero, the White-bearded Manakin, the Squirrel Cuckoo, the Rufous-tailed and Purple-chested Hummingbirds, the Woodpecker, the Toucan, the Trogon and the Warbler.

We could also see the Rose-faced Parrot, the Orange-fronted Barbet, the Toucan Barbet, the Orange-breasted Fruiteater, the Choco Vireo and the Long-wattled Umbrellabird.


Day 1  Quito - Arrival 

Day 2  Quito - Zuro Loma Reserve - Tandayapa

Day 3  Bellavista Cloud Forest

Day 4  Bellavista Cloud Forest - Refuge "Paz de las Aves' - Sachatamia Lodge

Day 5  Rio Silanche - Milpe area - Sachatamia Lodge

Day 6  Mashpi Amagusa Reserve - Quito

Day 7  Quito - Departure


Tour price is $1650 per person includes all taxes and accommodation (single supplement extra $170 per night)


▪ Transport according to the itinerary

▪ Qualified bi-lingual birding guide

▪ Overnight stay in the booked hotel category (standard)

▪ Meals as listed in the itinerary 

▪ Excursions and entrance fees as listed in the itinerary

▪ 24 hour emergency contact number


▪ International flights

▪ Domestic flights

▪ Drinks and meals not mentioned

▪ Tips and personal expenses

▪ Any optional or not listed activities

▪ Travel insurance


Address: 454 Charles Darwin Avenue & Tomas de Berlanga
Puerto Ayora - Ecuador
Telephone: +593 96 894 0773
WhatsApp: ‬+44 773 984 0879
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.uniquelygalapagos.com