
E-mailinfo@uniquelygalapagos.com - Telephone: +593 096 894 0773

Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism

Uniquely Galapagos is fully committed to the Galapagos National Park Directorate and Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism approach to Responsible Tourism. We encourage you to contribute to this during your visit by:

  • Bringing and using a water bottle to refill drinking water in.
  • Eating your meals in restaurants and not taking away food to create unnecessary waste.
  • Using your own shopping bags for fruit, vegetables and souvenirs and not accepting the single use plastic bags still being given out around Puerto Ayora.
  • Not leaving your air conditioning and lights on in your hotel room when you are out as this is a high cost in energy and to the environment.


Address: 454 Charles Darwin Avenue & Tomas de Berlanga
Puerto Ayora - Ecuador
Telephone: +593 96 894 0773
WhatsApp: ‬+44 773 984 0879
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.uniquelygalapagos.com